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rehoming your pit bull

We do not accept owner surrenders and we do not have a physical shelter location. We pull all of our dogs from high kill animal shelters where they are facing euthansia.


We believe that pets are a life-long committment, so please make sure you have exhausted all possibilities of keeping your dog before attempting to contact us. Pit Bulls make up the highest percentage of shelter population and are also put to sleep at a much higher rate than other breeds. They are extremely overpopulated and overbred, and finding new homes for them is no easy task. Please make sure you have thought this decision through and have researched absolutely every possible alternative.


The following are ways we may be able to help if you are in the possession of a Pit Bull that you can no longer keep.



We can offer a courtesy listing to our website and our Facebook page in some cases. Please provide a detailed bio of the dog including temperament information with other dogs/cats/children, photos, and your contact information. We will NOT list any dog that has not been spayed/neutered NO EXCEPTIONS. Because of the enormous volume of courtesy post requests we recieve, we charge a $20 listing fee for non-shelter posts. If you are affiliated with another rescue or animal shelter there is no fee for courtesy listings.



If you are asking to rehome a dog because you are moving and unable to find housing that will take the dog, we may be able to help provide you with resources that can help.


If you are asking to rehome your dog because of behavior issues, we can give you advice and refer you to trainers in your area that may be able to help. Many issues are easily resolved with the correct training, and we are happy to point you in the right direction.





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