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Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia Paws for Pits
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Buy a copy of the incredible story of Sadie and Sasha and help VPFP!  A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the book come to our organzation!

Shop for suppiles for our precious Pitties via our Amazon Wish List


Adopt today! Check out the adult dogs and puppies we have available for adoption through Virginia Paws for Pits.


Welcome to Virginia Paws for Pits! We are the Shenandoah Valley's first "Bully Breed" rescue group. Specializing in "Pit Bull" type dogs, we rescue shelter dogs in need and adopt them out into loving homes. Additionally, we provide education and outreach services to help people better understand and care for this poorly misunderstood breed. 


If you are looking to re-home your Pit Bull, please read this first.



For years now, Virginia Paws for Pits has been proud to offer a SNIP program to spay and neuter dogs in our community completey free of charge. This program was started due to a very generous donation from a local supporter. We have used all of these funds, but would very much like to continue providing this much needed service to our community.


If you would like to contribute to our SNIP program, you may donate via PayPal using our E-mail address, Please make a note in the memo section that your donation is our for SNIP program so that we can resume offering this program to our community. 








Check back soon for upcoming events!


Hello everyone, my name is Mabel. My hospice foster mommy asked me if I would be so kind as to share my story for you. She says I am a very lucky dog with a lot to be happy about. Let me start at the beginning.

When I was just a little puppy, I was put on a short and heavy chain in the woods behind a dirty old trailer. I don't know why those people did that to me. I was just a baby and all I wanted was to play and snuggle. The people that had me brought me scraps of food every once in a while, but I was starved for love and attention every day.

I never went to the vet, and I never got spayed. Since I lived on a chain, I had no way to get away when other male dogs found me chained in the woods. I had lots, and lots, and lots of puppies. They were always taken away from me, and I never found out what happened to any of them. 

As the years passed, I lost hope of ever being off my chain. To be honest, I kind of just figured that it was normal to live like that. I stayed on my chain in my little patch of dirt getting older and older. I got cancer in my mammary glands because I had never been spayed and had been the mommy to so many different litters of puppies. My tumors grew and grew until they drug the ground and it was hard for me to get up and down.One day, the people who had been taking care of me left. There were two other dogs chained up near me too, and we all got left behind. We were all on our chains, so when we got










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hungry and thirsty, there was nothing we could do to try and find our own food and water. One day, one of the other dogs got so sad and tired that he went inside his dog house to take a nap, but then he never came back again. I barked and barked for him, but I never saw him again.

I was 12 years old, and I was feeling very sad and tired too. I think that I would have gone to lay down and not gotten up just like my friend f I had to stay like that for many more days. That is when my luck started to change. A neighbor that I had never met noticed one day that she hadn't seen anyone go back to take care of the dogs in woods. She found me and the other dog there so thin and weak that we could barely move. She started feeding us, and then she started making some calls.

The other dog that was chained beside me wasn't old and sick like I was. Just a few days later, someone came and rescued him. I thought that they were going to take me too, but they didn't. Once again, I was left behind. No one wanted an old, sick dog like me, with tumors so big I could barely walk. Now, I was sad and alone for a second time. But, the neighor kept feeding me, and she kept making calls.

One day, Virginia Paws for Pits heard about me. It was a normal day, just like any other day. I peed in the same spot of dirt that I always peed in, and stretched my legs, and took a drink of water. I had no idea that my life would change forever. 

A nice lady from Virginia Paws for Pits came to pet me and look at me. Then, she did something no one had EVER done before. She reached up to my chain, and she took it off of me. She carried me to her car, and then she took me to the vet. I was happy, but I was also very scared and very confused. For 12 whole years, my little patch of dirt was the only thing I knew. My world had just gotten way bigger, and I didn't know what to think. I gave the rescue lady a few little licks to tell her thank you and then I hunched down beside her and took a little nap.

That all seems like ancient history now. Soon after I was rescued, I moved into a real home and actually got to live INSIDE. My tumors were removed and now I can get around much easier. I sleep on the bed and on the couch, and I am very happy. Sometimes I forget that I am safe with no more chain around my neck, and my foster mom will find me standing still in the same spot with my head hanging low. She gently pets me and reminds me that I'm not on the chain anymore, and then I remember. I remember that I am happy and loved and that nothing bad will ever happen to me again.

Thank you so much for listening to my story. If you would like to donate to my care, or to any other VPFP Hospice dogs, we would really appreciate that. Donations can be made by clicking on the link below. Thank you so much. I love you all!

Love, Mabel


Hello there! My name is Mixer and it's a pleasure to meet you! I sure do hope that you are my new mom or dad. I have been waiting for a forever home of my own for almost 3 years! I can't understand why nobody wants me. I'm as cute as a button and I live to play ball! I keep smiling for all my pictures, but so far, I guess I haven't caught anyone's eye.

I really love my people, so I would like a family that can spend lots of time with me. I might act a little shy at first, but if you give me just a few minutes, I'll warm right up to you and we'll be playing fetch in no time.

Some people call me a "Pocket Pittie". I think that's a pretty funny name, since I definitely couldn't fit into anyone's pocket! I guess I am a little smaller than most Pitties though, so maybe that's why they call me that. What I might lack in size though, I sure make up for with my good looks and personality! My ears stick up a lot of the time, and I have a PERFECT heart right in the middle of my forehead.

I wouldn't mind being someone's only pet, but if you have other dogs, I think I would like that too. I'll just need to meet new dogs slowly so we can get used to each other. I LOVE my foster sister Anubis, and she is waiting for a home too, and it would be GREAT if we could be adopted together. If we can't, I'll miss her, but I'll be ok if you give me extra snuggles and love me a lot.

I think kitty cats might be a little too fun for me to chase, so if you have cats, I might not be the right dog for you. Will you please fill out an application for me today? I think I would really like to have a home of my own. 

Thanks for listening!

Love, Mixer


There are times when we simply must help, especially when senior dogs are dumped in high kill shelters. We offer Hospice care for the dogs we can so that they can live out the remainder of their lives in a loving home, and not scared and alone at a shelter.


This is Knight. He is a 10 year old Pit Bull that was left at the shelter by his previous owner. Knight is adjusting well to Hospice care, but years of malnourishment have done some damage on this poor, old soul. Knight needs about $1,500 worth of dental work to fix multiple fractures that are causing him a great deal of pain. Please consider making a donation to help fund Knight's medical bills. Thank you in advance for your consideration!

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These dogs are in desperate need of a foster or forever home.  They are currently in boarding or temporary foster homes and NEED new placement. If you can help with a foster or are interested in adoption please contact us immediately. Please share!

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